About B.Sc.(Agriculture) Degree Programme:

B.Sc. Agriculture is a 4-year undergraduate degree awarded by Indian Universities for 10+2 students preferably with Science stream. The college offers a four year under-graduate degree programme distributed in eight Semester that includes different subjects in Agriculture. The course curriculum has 183 credits distributed in eight semesters. The department included in these degree programme is Agronomy, Horticulture, Agril. Botany, Animal Husbandry & Dairy Science, Soil Science & Agricultural Chemistry, Plant Pathology, Agril. Entomology, Agril. Extension, Agril. Economics, Agril. Engineering, Computer Science. A separate one Semester is allotted for RAWE(Rural Agricultural Work Experience) and one for Experiential Learning Programme. The student’s academic activities involve delivering Seminars, Submission of RAWE reports, participating various sports in inter-collegiate as well as inter-University, NSS and cultural activities.

Uptil now result of last years students is 100% . Every year most of students of this college get admission for post graduate studies in India and abroad for further studies.

Scope of B.Sc.(Agriculture):

India being predominantly an agricultural country, the scope and utility for Agril. Technology is tremendously increasing. The degree has wide career and employment opportunities. It aims to produce expertise and skilled manpower in agricultural industries, NGOs,Govt. departments, Universities, Research Organizations, Banks are some of the existing career prospectus at National and International level. The challenges of food production, processing, rural employment and Hi-tech agricultural operations are released by agriculture.

Salient features of the College:

1) Highly experienced, qualified and motivated staff.
2) Well-equipped laboratories with latest equipment.
3) State of the art labstical work.
4) No place for indiscipline.
5) Advisory system for each student.
6) R.O. Drinking water facility.
7) Playground, for all sports activity.